

Do you have information about circuses or circus performers which you can contribute to support The Project? If you have a collection of programmes, posters, newspaper cuttings or other circus memorabilia, large or small, then you can help.

Any published information giving a performer’s name, the nature of the act, the circus company, its location and a date (if only the year) can be used to supplement the ‘Dictionary of British Circus Biography’. Information about circus people contained in programmes is of special value.

If you have unpublished information about performers or circus companies, perhaps revealed as part of family history research, you may contribute this to The Project.

Photographs of circus people, as well as biographical information, are of particular interest and value.

If you contribute in any way this will be acknowledged in the corresponding Publication.

It is only by the collaboration of people interested in circus, its history and the people responsible for its success in the past and in the present day, that the biographical database project can succeed. If you can help in any way, please Contact me.